This isn't the post promised. This is a filler post to keep you mildly updated/amused/annoyed until work stops trying to kill me and learns to play nice.
Work has been insanely busy as of late, and there have been more than a few days when I've arrived by just-gone eight and not left til close to six. Tonight was especially bad and didn't get out til ten of seven, having got in at twenty past eight, with a meeting from half-nine to half-twelve in between. Which, all told, are only numbers.
Two weeks ago, semi-fresh off the vacation back home, the office was down to half-staff, which sounds far too much like a Viagra advert to actually mean misplacing all female coworkers for ten days. Which is what it actually means. So, armed only with testosterone and sheer tenacity (and a LOT of tea) we three kings somehow managed to prepare for and carry out three separate exam boards, hold down the phones, answer emails and tried to make sure that all the last-minute postgrad applicants got applications and some sort of guidance.
But not undergrads; the undergrad courses have been filled up for months, like so much flotsam and jetsam in the great pipeline of knowledge, clogging it so the smart can't get out.
This week has consisted of checking, double-checking, sending-away-for-external-checking checking and triple-double-dog-dare-checking before releasing grades. Which is just before students return (or, in the case of the last-minute appliquees, start). So, yee haw, hold onto yer hats kiddies. I am most definitely not going to be staying til seven tomorrow night: I have a very important date tomorrow night. A date with beer.
This week is also "staff development week", which is pretty much synonymous with preaching to the choir, business-speak and self-glorification, but with tai chi, head massages and dubious food.
So yes, this isn't the post I wanted nor intended to write. That post, the promised post, the mythological post of homewardsness and photography, that post'll have to wait a bit longer. I'm sorry, family and friends, for being crap at this game; I hope to get to it soon.
Anyway, that's all the news from Lake Woebegon. On a completely unrelated note, here's one of Leeds' own sons playing some nice pickin' gee-tar.
Don't work too hard,
Serious Sam Barrett - Lay A White Rose from James Rhodes on Vimeo.
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