Tuesday 15 June 2010

Soccer = Football, Football = Rugby

For those playing along at home. (And baseball is rounders, but all grown up and not for girls. At least not in the MLB.)

Other fun stuff; guess what the New York Post, that bastion of journalistic integrity (and public American pawn of Rupert "Plunda from Down Unda" Murdoch), said about the 1-1 US v England World Cup draw?

Let's play "Spot the Error" here, shall we boys and girls?

And in case you missed the 0.7 seconds which will define the rest of Robert Green's life, here it is depicted in Lego form.

In other news, a small group of men from America are equally good at kicking a ball around as a small group of men from England; doctors have recently discovered that several thousand South Africans have been infected with a severe nasal ailment called "vuvuzela"; and in Japan, while their football/soccer/baby-tap-tap team was busy defeating Cameroon 1-0, 29 sumo wrestlers have admitted gambling...on baseball.

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